activities besides watching TV
Summer is finally here! My kids (and I) look forward to hunting for ladybugs outside, riding bikes, eating snow cones,
positive behavior
When I was a teacher, I used behavior charts (or some other form of positive behavior system) in my classroom.
teen hobby
There are some things in life that I don't mind, especially when compared to dealing with a bored teen. Like
less time in kitchen
If you are like me, you want to spend less time in the kitchen and more time doing things you
Upcycled Magazines
I think we can mostly agree that the coronavirus quarantine hasn't exactly been pleasant. But, let's look at the bright
homeschooling during quarantine
When the COVID-19 quarantine spread across America, my husband and I knew times ahead would be difficult and scary. What
Looking for a fun upcycled magazine craft to try? This one is cute, colorful, and quick, and you feel like
things to do when bored
Teens, it's ok to get bored every now and then! But when you are ready to do something about it,
pros and cons of homeschooling
If you homeschool your children, you know that some days are tough. And sometimes, those days turn into a few
homeschool child with ADD/ADHD
My daughter. She's sweet, beautiful, caring, and what's the word....energetic? I love her, of course, but oh my goodness...her ADHD!
homeschool mom or dad
For 14 years, I was an overworked, underpaid, and often unappreciated teacher. I worked in crowded, under-funded low SES schools
homeschooling and socialization
When my husband and I decided to homeschool our children, we knew that homeschooling and socialization would be hard to

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